Tuesday, June 24, 2014

10 Naughty Things To Do For A Happier Life

By Lorilei Alexander

Usually people associate the word naughty with an action that is either mischievous or indecent and that could get you into trouble.  Well here is a list of ten things that are currently considered naughty but are actually really good for you.  Over time, I bet others will make this naughty list a part of their normal routine and perhaps even add a few new items of their own.

1)  Have make-up sex every time.  You should be getting busy at least a couple of times a week anyway.  Sex boosts your immunity, lowers your blood pressure, reduces anxiety and the best part is that it counts as exercise.  So why not head to the bedroom after a little lover’s quarrel?  You’ll get all of the above benefits, plus it will make you feel emotionally closer to your mate in short order.

2)  Eat the thing that you crave most.  Stop denying that voice in your head that is yearning for cookies or other prohibited treats.  Depriving yourself will only make you irritable, lead to more cravings and eventually cause you to break your strict diet for good because you are miserable.  Occasional ‘cheating’ on your diet can actually positively stimulate your thyroid and rev up your metabolism.  Feel free to indulge in your favorite treat once in a while, particularly when that cookie monster inside is getting more earnest.  Take a cue from these artists who clearly stay fit but have no compunctions about hitting fast food row https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PX0ZxbvVDPA.

3)  Drink every day.  This should not be read as ‘get drunk every day’.  The alcohol in beer and wine helps stimulate liver antioxidant production, protects against heart disease and lowers the risk of hypertension.  Of all alcoholic beverages, red wine is the megastar.  It contains antioxidants such as resveratrol that have been shown to lengthen life span and reduce bad cholesterol.  So go ahead, kick back and enjoy a glass of wine at the end of the day with your meal. 

4)  Have a real talk with someone, not just chit chat.  Find someone you have been meaning to spend some time with or would like to get to know better.  Have a real heart-to-heart conversation with them in which you really get to know them (i.e. no topic is off limits).  It is better to do it over a drink.  If you said something too offensive, you could always blame it on the liquor later.

5)  Clean out your closet and afterwards, reward yourself with a shopping trip.  It feels good to let go of things that you don’t use anymore.  Ask your siblings if they would want your old clothes or donate them.  Treat yourself to one new purchase for every five pieces you give away.  You deserve it.

6)  Walk around the house scantily clad (or naked) and whenever you pass your reflection gasp and say, ‘You’re hot!’  It is time to banish the negative self-talk.  In most cases, such talk is simply not true but if you repeat it long enough, you may start to believe it.  So tell yourself that you are amazing, brilliant and sexy every day. Read the full article at: http://www.whoismillennium.com/press_room/10_naughty_things_to_do_for_a_happier_life/

Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Wide World of Fast Food

By Marcela Linton
Every June, the quest for the perfect summer body resumes.  There is no shortage of information out there on diet plans, exercise tips, juicing or pills to sift through.  But if anyone actually had the right formula, there wouldn’t be so many articles out there contradicting each other.  There would be more people out there proudly flaunting their chiseled bodies.  It’s time to scrap all of the outside information and begin really listening to your body.  Sometimes you need to give yourself permission to indulge. You’ll find that genuine cravings only come up once in a while.  Now let’s be honest, most fast food out there is total crap. But for those rare companies who’ve honed their recipe over time, credit must be given where credit is due. There is certainly a wide range of options available. We asked Los Angeles pop rock group Millennium, who just released their new single ‘Wide Thing’ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PX0ZxbvVDPA], about their guilty food pleasures]. While they had no shortage of answers, here is their Top 5 list of fast food entrées that get it right.

1. El Pollo Loco Spicy Chipotle Chicken Burrito
‘Over the decades, El Pollo Loco has honed their Spicy Chipotle Chicken Burrito to a science.  I have been eating there on and off for years now.  The key I’ve found is to substitute the standard pinto beans for barbecue black beans. Not regular black beans - barbecue black beans.  Pure heaven after I come out of the studio starving.’ –Stryker

2. Fatburger Chili Cheese Fries
‘Once in a while, I crave chili cheese fries, but not just any chili cheese fries.  Fatburger makes the best ones.  If you order the skinny fries, then they are extra crispy and not soft and mushy like thicker fries.  I also order them with extra cheese.  The great thing about Fatburger is that they are open 24 hours because you never know when the craving might strike.’ –Sapphire

3. Rubio’s Fish Tacos
‘Now don’t kid yourself. It may be fish, but there ain’t nothing healthy about these batter-fried, sauce laden-babies. That said, they taste like awesomeness and for $1.50 each, you can’t go wrong. There’s a Rubio’s around the corner from our gym so, once in awhile, when I feel like undoing a week’s worth of fitness progress, I stop by for my fix.’ –Stryker. Read the full article at: http://whoismillennium.com/press_room/the_wide_world_of_fast_food/

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Party People Make Way! Millennium Releases ‘Wide Thing’

By Kip Littmann

I thought I had somewhat figured out the group Millennium until they invited fans to take a walk on the ‘wide’ side.  Their second single ‘Wide Thing’ off their upcoming album is an interesting hip-hop/rock fusion, mildly reminiscent of the Troggs 1966 chart-topping hit ‘Wild Thing’.  Like the 60’s anthem, Millennium is betting heavily (no pun intended) on this hip-hop/rock track to have the same, well, wide appeal. Beyond a doubt, this is a song that people can groove to, even as they ponder the possible meaning of ‘wide thing’, sung over and over again throughout the pulsating, bass-heavy chorus.  

The official music video for ‘Wide Thing’ has had mixed reviews leaving some listeners shaking their heads in amusement and some shaking their heads disapprovingly.  According to Millennium, it is those who find the video humorous who are closer to understanding the intent of the song.  So what is the deeper inspiration behind ‘Wide Thing’?  Surprisingly, it’s not the young woman in the yellow leotard with the huge ‘badonkadonk’.  Let us flashback to the early 2000’s when urban music dominated the airwaves and popular culture.  If hip-hop had come to represent anything during that era it was excess, characterized by an obsession with big things.  There were hip-hop songs about big cars, big blunts, big money, big bling, and, of course, big booties.  Millennium’s single appears to be something of a throw-back to that fascinating era that captivated the world, in all its glory and ridiculousness.  Remember diamond grills or the XXXL pants that fell down to the knees? 
With or without any deeper meaning behind the song, Millennium does reveal a willingness to take huge risks with their music and to avoid taking themselves too seriously. By the end of the music video it begins to look a lot like a playbook for living young, and wide and free.  Or, in view of Stryker and Sapphire’s rampage through fast food hell, how to make a big ass of one’s self (pun intended). Read the full article at: http://www.whoismillennium.com/press_room/party_people_make_way_millennium_releases_wide_thing